Five Pros and Cons of Settling Your Credit Card Debt
Topics: Credit CardAs America tries to get back to a new normal, many people are struggling with higher debt and less money to pay it with. So, what can you do when credit card debt becomes overwhelming?
How Does a Debt Collection Lawsuit Work?
Topics: Debt CollectionIf you are facing a debt collection lawsuit, it can be nerve-wracking and stressful. But the court’s involvement does not need to be scary. In fact, sorting out your financial obligation to a creditor in court can sometimes even work in your favor.
Five Ways to Retire Early on a Five-Figure Salary
Topics: Personal FinanceThe standard age of retirement is sixty-five, but that does not mean you have to wait until then to retire. Many people wait to retire until they are eligible to receive social security income which can then be used to supplement their retirement funds.
Do I Need an Attorney to Handle My Credit Card Lawsuit?
Topics: Credit CardEngaging an attorney in a credit card lawsuit may improve your chances at a settlement agreement that keeps you out of court and without a judgment on your record.
How Personal Loan Deferment Works
Topics: LoansInstead of the penalties, fees, interest charges, and the years it can take for your credit to recover from defaulting on a loan, a deferment provides an opportunity to reallocate the money you would otherwise apply toward your loan to other essential expenses to ensure necessities like food and shelter are not compromised during your hardship.
Can I Settle a Debt After a Lawsuit Has Been Filed?
Topics: Debt SettlementThe key to negotiating a settlement for your debt once a lawsuit has been filed is simply to ask. Come to the table knowing how much money you can afford to pay and ask if you can immediately tender payment as a showing of good faith and satisfy the debt without further litigation.
Answers to Your Top Questions About Debt Consolidation
Topics: Debt ConsolidationHow do you know if debt consolidation is the right option for you? Here are the top debt consolidation Q&As to help you decide.
What is a Debt Validation Letter, and Do I Need One?
Topics: Debt CollectionSo, how do you know if the bill collector can satisfy the requirements of the FDCPA to collect the debt they are asking you to pay? The key is a debt validation letter.
How to Pay Off Credit Card Debt in 2021
Topics: Credit CardPaying off your credit card debt is a great start to improving your financial health in 2021, but how can you do it? Here are a few payment strategies and tips to help you become debt-free in 2021.
Pensions vs. 401ks
Topics: Personal FinanceEmployer-sponsored retirement plans are an important benefit that employees should take advantage of to supplement their retirement funds. However, not all retirement accounts are created equal. Maximizing your contribution to an employer-sponsored retirement plan is the best way to ensure you have enough money to carry you through retirement.
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